A Visit Down Under (Brooklyn Smorgasbord)
Fear of Hip can be daunting. I have heard and read so much about some of the groovy Bklyn food scene that there are experiences perhaps I have missed. My trucker's beard is graying writer's grizzle. My single gear bike is actually a 1984 Raleigh 10-speed. And my kids are so much infinitely cooler than me that I worry anywhere I take them mgmt will demand ID, and I'll be the one left out in the rain. So I was pleasantly surprised when Matty & I -- solo with the older bro off at sleepaway -- ventured down to Dumbo in the shimmering midday heat. The food was good. The people, excessively normal. The views, well. Yeah. But the discovery of the day? The plum blueberry People's extremely frozen, fruity, and zestfully tangy pop may well have been the best piece of food product I have ever tasted in my life. At least yesterday. I am definitely going back for more.